1,812 research outputs found

    Synthetic whole-slide image tile generation with gene expression profile-infused deep generative models

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    In this work, we propose an approach to generate whole-slide image (WSI) tiles by using deep generative models infused with matched gene expression profiles. First, we train a variational autoencoder (VAE) that learns a latent, lower-dimensional representation of multi-tissue gene expression profiles. Then, we use this representation to infuse generative adversarial networks (GANs) that generate lung and brain cortex tissue tiles, resulting in a new model that we call RNA-GAN. Tiles generated by RNA-GAN were preferred by expert pathologists compared with tiles generated using traditional GANs, and in addition, RNA-GAN needs fewer training epochs to generate high-quality tiles. Finally, RNA-GAN was able to generalize to gene expression profiles outside of the training set, showing imputation capabilities. A web-based quiz is available for users to play a game distinguishing real and synthetic tiles: https://rna-gan.stanford.edu/, and the code for RNA-GAN is available here: https://github.com/gevaertlab/RNA-GAN.Grants PID2021- 128317OB-I00MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Project P20-00163, funded by Consejerı´a de Universidad, Investigacio´ n e InnovacioERDF A way of making Europ

    Corporate governance facing corporate social responsability: solving challenges in the 21st century

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    17 páginasWithin the context of modern Corporate Governance and particularly in the aftermath of the financial scandals of the XXIst Century, companies, regulators, markets and the public in general claim for more transparency, accountability, shareholders and investor protection. There is also a trend towards reinforcing the Responsibility of Companies towards the Communities in which they develop their businesses. However, generally speaking shareholders do not have a direct control nor saying in management; and stakeholders possibility of influencing corporations’ decisions seems very rare. This article reviews some of the existing corporate cultural and legal systems and provides ideas for future development of corporate Governance in de field of Share- and Interest- -Holders’ protectionS

    The urban heritage characterization using 3D geographic information systems. The system of medium-sized cities in Andalusia

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    The primary objective of this paper is to approach the use of the 3D Geographic Information Systems (3D GIS), as an instrumental tool that allows us to deal efficiently with the extensive amount of information that characterises a large part of the research carried out in the field of Urbanism and Regional Planning. Specifically, the study focuses on medium-sized cities in Andalusia, the most populous and the second largest region in Spain. The Andalusian urban system is substantially characterised by the historical importance of this type of cities within its territorial organisation, which dates back to more than two thousand years, and whose potential as sustainable and balanced stands out. In particular, it is intended to address features related to urban characterisation as medium-sized cities that have been declared as heritage sites, as well as, the integration of the cultural heritage into urban development planning as an active strategy by the cultural administration of the regional and local governments. In detail, this paper will analyse data relating to the development experienced, their characterisation through urban indicators or the evolution and traceability of their protection. In this sense, the use of 3D GIS will not only allow the efficient recording and the graphical representation of a significant amount of data resulting from the quantitative and qualitative analysis carried out but also model them using the third dimension to facilitate a cross analysis among the cities under study. Definitely, the aim is to demonstrate the suitability use of this technology in this type of scientific research.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain HAR2016-79788-

    Procedure to Prepare and Model Speed Data Considering the Traffic Infrastructure, as Part of a Cyber-Physical System

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    This chapter investigates the relationship between traffic control infrastructure (traffic lights and speed bumps) and the vehicles’ travel speeds, for certain hours and days of the week. The authors propose the following procedures: (1) street segmentation, (2) clustering and categorization of speed data, (3) histograms’ comparison analysis, (4) outlier detection, (5) modeling, and (6) delivering info to the users. Comparing speed histograms, segments with matching infrastructure presented similarities, regardless of the day of the week. Two techniques to model data were employed: polynomial regression and multinomial logistic regression. The algorithms to predict the travel speed category were also developed. The first technique yields on average 91.3% of data categorized correctly, and the second gets 90.09%. The traffic lights and speed bumps, located on the street segments under consideration, were identified as variables causing different travel speeds. The procedure allows to incorporate more traffic elements and can also be applied to other geographical locations

    El Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina

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    Not availableSe expone en este artículo la amplia labor que desarrolla el Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM) y su participación en múltiples programas y proyectos nacionales e internacionales, representando a España y manteniendo relaciones permanentes de colaboración con diversas Organizaciones, Comisiones y Comités de carácter supranacional. Tras una síntesis histórica del IHM, cuyos orígenes en el Padrón Real de 1508 le otorgan la rimacía mundial como Instituto Hidrográfico, se describen detalladamente las actividades que desarrolla el Instituto en las diferentes áreas de su competencia (Hidrografia, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Cartografía, Navegación, Oceanografía), destacando el intenso y continuado trabajo que realizan sus buques hidrográficos y el proceso de transformación que se está llevando a cabo para implantar las modernas tecnologías en todos estos campos de actuación. Haciendo honor a la cita de que «Europa aprendió a navegar en libros españoles», se recogen también en este artículo las numerosas publicaciones que continúa editando el Instituto, como responsable que es de mantener actualizada la cartografía náutica y sus correspondientes avisos y ayudas a la navegación, para finalizar con una referencia a la labor docente que desarrolla su Escuela de Hidrografía

    Teaching innovation through the occupation of public space: urban heritage and planning at the University of Seville

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    Public space is one of the ventricles of the city - the engine that drives the social relations among the citizens who inhabit it - being able to contract or expand the spatial sequence within the contemporary city. As an inherent part of society, it evolves at the rate that collective behaviour dictates, forming a relationship of vital dependency [1]. In this society-space symbiosis, the architect's task from a polyhedral point of view is to provide the city with a spatial network that not only fills the relationship between individuals, but also emphasizes the sense of belonging to the place and the collective. In many cases throughout history and from an international point of view, public space, specifically the square as the social agora, has been an escape route for social, political and cultural demands and manifestations. Despite its crucial importance in historiography and social evolution, the share of this concept in the current teaching plans of the Department of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning of the University of Seville is nil, barely treated from the formal point of view in the subject "Public Space in Planning Urbanization". Objectives of the research: It is intended to put into practice the occupation of public space from the subject of "Urban Heritage and Planning" during the next academic year 2018-2019, with the primary objective of highlighting how the different ways of occupying, positioning oneself, moving about and conquering public space are directly related to the intentions of the claims, the character of the group that calls for them and the socio-political governing system [2]. For this reason, ephemeral occupations of public space in the city of Seville will be proposed as practices associated with the core argument of the subject, based on experiences developed by the School of Architecture of the University of Valparaiso (Chile). Around these occupations, the gender conflict applied to the historic city will be discussed, explaining how the starting urban elements constitute favourable or unfavourable parameters in terms of security, belonging, identity and habitability

    Performance comparison between multi‑center histopathology datasets of a weakly‑supervised deep learning model for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma detection

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    Background Pancreatic ductal carcinoma patients have a really poor prognosis given its difficult early detection and the lack of early symptoms. Digital pathology is routinely used by pathologists to diagnose the disease. However, visually inspecting the tissue is a time-consuming task, which slows down the diagnostic procedure. With the advances occurred in the area of artificial intelligence, specifically with deep learning models, and the growing availability of public histology data, clinical decision support systems are being created. However, the generalization capabilities of these systems are not always tested, nor the integration of publicly available datasets for pancreatic ductal carcinoma detection (PDAC). Methods In this work, we explored the performace of two weakly-supervised deep learning models using the two more widely available datasets with pancreatic ductal carcinoma histology images, The Cancer Genome Atlas Project (TCGA) and the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC). In order to have sufficient training data, the TCGA dataset was integrated with the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project dataset, which contains healthy pancreatic samples. Results We showed how the model trained on CPTAC generalizes better than the one trained on the integrated dataset, obtaining an inter-dataset accuracy of 90.62% ± 2.32 and an outer-dataset accuracy of 92.17% when evaluated on TCGA + GTEx. Furthermore, we tested the performance on another dataset formed by tissue micro-arrays, obtaining an accuracy of 98.59%. We showed how the features learned in an integrated dataset do not differentiate between the classes, but between the datasets, noticing that a stronger normalization might be needed when creating clinical decision support systems with datasets obtained from different sources. To mitigate this effect, we proposed to train on the three available datasets, improving the detection performance and generalization capabilities of a model trained only on TCGA + GTEx and achieving a similar performance to the model trained only on CPTAC. Conclusions The integration of datasets where both classes are present can mitigate the batch effect present when integrating datasets, improving the classification performance, and accurately detecting PDAC across different datasets.Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities under Project PID2021-128317OB-I00Junta de Andalucia P20-0016

    El Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina

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    El arte colombiano como inversión alternativa

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    21 Páginas.La siguiente investigación permitirá abrir el campo de los inversionistas, principalmente colombianos, a un tipo de inversión alternativa que ha tenido un auge durante las últimas décadas. El arte en Colombia, desde 1957, fecha en la cual se realizó la primera compra por parte de la biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, ha venido tomando fuerza hasta el punto en el que se encuentran una gran variedad de obras ofreciendo una cobertura amplia de la totalidad de la historia artística colombiana. (Agudelo, 1997) Por lo tanto, es necesario considerar que el arte como una inversión alternativa facilita la diversificación del portafolio, abriendo nuevas fronteras y logrando que nuevos negociantes con enfoques no solo en acciones o bonos, puedan incluirse en un mercado diferente e innovador. Adicionalmente, es indispensable afirmar que, hasta donde se ha podido comprobar, éste es un trabajo nunca antes hecho para Colombia, por lo que se podría considerar una investigación pionera en esta área. Se ha visto una amplia variedad de investigaciones para el arte como una alternativa de investigación pero regularmente son hechos para países europeos, Estados Unidos y algunos en Latinoamérica. Es de notar que en el caso de Colombia el artista Fernando Botero abarca la mayoría del mercado del arte